2023 Activity Report – A decisive step in the response to pandemics

L’Initiative reached a record level of financial commitment in 2023, enabling the funding of 93 expert missions and 119 projects. It focused on neglected challenges, particularly in the area of human resources for health. Its supports were deployed towards countries with historically less coverage, and it demonstrated its ability to adapt to geopolitical contexts to ensure the sustainability of its programs. 2023 was also marked by a number of highlights: L’Initiative entered into strategic international collaborations, took part in global conferences and organized its first scientific day. These commitments illustrate L’Initiative’s determination to fight pandemics and provide better access to quality health services for the population.



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Find out L’Initiative’s actions and emblematic projects in the 2023 activity report “A decisive step in the fight against pandemics”.

Download our 2023 Activity Report

L’Initiative sait aller jusqu’au dernier kilomètre pour renforcer les services de santé et assurer leur qualité. Son équipe ose prendre des risques en misant sur des approches innovantes. Elle met en lumière l’engagement historique de la France aux côtés du Fonds mondial.

In 2023, L’Initiative strengthened its commitment, amplifying its actions dedicated to beneficiary countries and the strategy of the Global Fund against HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria. With increased financial support, it is intensifying the fight against these pandemics while consolidating local health systems.

After a year in 2022 dedicated to preparing for this new cycle, L’Initiative continued its support to countries for accessing Global Fund financing, with an integration of gender priorities, human rights, and community health.

GC7: the funding request is key in the fight against malaria in Cameroon

Dr. Joël Ateba, Permanent Secretary of the National Malaria Control Program of Cameroon, takes stock on the support provided by L’Initiative during the writing of funding requests for the Global Fund GC7.

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Community engagement, a key issue documented by the RISE study

Serge Douomong Yotta, director of Advocacy at Coalition PLUS and co-author of the RISE study, looks back at the Representation, Inclusion, Sustainability and Equity (RISE) study, which aims to improve community engagement in the Global Fund partnership.

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L’Initiative is fully committed to combating pediatric HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, along with the major challenges they present. This theme was at the heart of the first scientific day it organized. Significant emphasis is placed on operational research, particularly against malaria, which is essential for developing effective tools and strategies against malaria, with the goal of achieving the disease eradication target set by the World Health Organization.

TB Masterclass: “We launch next generation researchers careers”

Dr Sara Eyangoh, molecular microbiologist, is researcher and scientific director of the Pasteur Center of Cameroun since 2012. In December, she organized a masterclass on tuberculosis to teach young researcher of francophone Africa about tuberculosis issues and reinforce human resources in health of the region.

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EVA Network: “Taking care of children living with HIV is also listening to them”

Dr Gérès Ahognon is the executive director of the network Children and HIV in Africa (EVA), which includes pediatric centres for HIV in twelve francophone countries in Africa. It gets back on the special needs of children and teenagers living with HIV and activities of the EVA network to response.

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Ukraine, Myanmar, Ethiopia… L‘Initiative adapts to all geopolitical contexts to ensure the pursuit and sustainability of the projects and the fight against pandemics. Collaborating with civil society, it implements on-demand interventions to respond to worlwide emergencies and strengthen weakened health systems.

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