Global Fund 7th Replenishment Cycle: the experts are ready!

During the previous Replenishment cycle, L’Initiative provided unprecedented levels of technical assistance, resulting in support for 32 countries (of which 20 are in Francophone Africa), mobilization of more than 260 experts (including 200 likewise in Francophone Africa), and €10 million in investment in technical assistance.

In partnership with the Global Fund, L’Initiative conducted a seminar on managing and sharing good practices on Friday, January 13, at our headquarters. This seminar brought together experts and their networks to meet L’Initiative and Global Fund teams.

Its objective was to prepare these experts and to equip them so that they can fulfill their mission of supporting partner countries in their requests for funding from the Global Fund, including on priorities that are not covered by it.

In concrete terms, the some 100 participants attending live or online had the opportunity to work on all existing standards, guides, and documents for submitting a request to the Global Fund and on how to carry out these crucial missions, with a focus on West and Central Africa.

They also discussed how to guide countries in prioritizing needs—which they must often do when resources are limited. This can concern the breakdown of funds according to disease or the prioritization of targets and actions. Finally, the experts were informed of the importance of integrating community-based aspects, as well as human rights and gender issues, into health system strengthening.

“Concentrated epidemics, vulnerable populations, and health system strengthening require special attention,” says Adeline Lautissier. “There has to be an approach that targets the strengthening of local capacities and ownership, with missions adapted to contexts and needs.”

Septieme Cycle De Financement Du Fonds Mondial Seminaire Des Experts De Linitiative

L’Initiative is deeply committed to funding requests. However, its role is much richer than that of a mere intermediary bringing together demands and offers of expertise. There is an additional value provided by L’Initiative, with the management of technical assistance missions and coordination with other technical and financial partners involved in the immense task of forecasting the needs and activities that will be funded by the Global Fund years in advance.

Septieme Cycle De Financement Du Fonds Mondial Boite A Outils

L’Initiative is heavily involved in requests for funding. But it does much more than just act as a broker to facilitate the matching between expertise requests and offers. L’Initiative has extra added value, as it manages technical assistance and coordination meetings with the other technical and financial partners that are involved in the huge task of forecasting—years in advance—the needs and activities that will be financed by the Global Fund.