L’Initiative is a funding mechanism implemented by Expertise France launched at the end of 2011, which complements the work of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. It provides technical assistance and catalytic funding to around forty Global Fund recipient countries to improve the effectiveness of their grants and strengthen the health impact of funded programs. In this way, L’Initiative contributes to ensuring the effectiveness of pandemic responses and health systems.

Each year, L’Initiative publishes three complementary but distinct calls for proposals, to select catalytic programs aimed at changing healthcare practices and policies. It also aims to bring innovative solutions to scale.

This call for proposals aims to support the emergence of innovative research that improves access to health services and quality of life for children exposed to pandemics, based on the following priorities :

Inclusion of children exposed to pandemics, who are not infected.

Links between malnutrition and pandemics ;

Integration of prevention and screening methods ;

Improved adherence ;

Mitigation barriers to health system access ;

Taking into account children with multiple vulnerabilities ;