Key data #1: L’Initiative’support to NGOs

Focus 3 March 2023

The “Key L’Initiative data” series has a dual purpose of providing a precise and concise overview of an intervention topic and offering the opportunity to review the specifics of the program’s actions. Civil society organizations (CSOs), particularly NGOs and the community network, are at the forefront of the fight against the three pandemics (HIV, tuberculosis, malaria) by responding quickly and effectively to the needs of the populations most exposed to them. Today, they continue to play an essential role in ensuring access to health services for vulnerable and marginalized populations.

NGOs not only set up prevention, screening and even care services, but also they carry to the Global Fund the voice of the populations and countries that have integrated an advocacy, or human rights defense, component in order to improve access to care and an adapted offer. These NGOs create social, health and political environments conducive to improving health and respecting rights. Since its creation, L’ Initiative has supported NGOs through support for catalytic projects and the provision of technical assistance missions to the countries.