La production et le partage des connaissances sont un des piliers stratégiques de L’Initiative. En diffusant ces ressources, nous espérons contribuer à améliorer le pilotage et à renforcer l’impact des interventions du Fonds mondial sur le terrain.
Resume Evaluation Pud Cote Ivoire Ve
Assessments 23 May 2024
Evaluation overview – Consolidating and expanding adapted, integrated and accessible health care provision for drug users (MdM)

In Côte d’Ivoire, the population of people who use drugs, living in ‘smoking rooms’ under extremely precarious conditions and exposed to numerous diseases, shows a high prevalence of HIV and tuberculosis compared to the general population. Médecins du Monde (MdM) responded to this…

Evaluation overview – Consolidating and expanding adapted, integrated and accessible health care provision for drug users (MdM)
Rise Cover Community Engagement
Strategy 7 May 2024
RISE study: community engagement in Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms

Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs), at the heart of the DNA of the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria model, enable parties to participate in decision-making at country level, following the principle of country ownership and inclusion. The performance…

RISE study: community engagement in Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms
Image Policy Brief Climate Change And Malaria
26 April 2024
Climate change and malaria: how to prepare for the radical reconfiguration of the epidemic?

Temperature and rainfall variations caused by climate change are redefining the boundaries of endemic malaria zones. Local factors, the immunity of infected individuals, population movements, and parasite resistance to drugs are crucial for understanding the potential impact of climate change on malaria…

Climate change and malaria: how to prepare for the radical reconfiguration of the epidemic?
Securitytoolkit En
Toolkit 23 February 2024
To protect implementers and improve HIV program outcomes

The human rights risks and obstacles faced by key populations are well known, and addressing them is seen as an essential component of any comprehensive HIV program for key populations. The safety of those responsible for implementing programs for key…

To protect implementers and improve HIV program outcomes
Capture Decran 2024 02 20 1648272
Focus 20 February 2024
Key data #2: the support of L’Initiative in the fight against tuberculosis

In 2021, tuberculosis (TB) was the second deadliest infectious disease after COVID-19 and one of the leading causes of preventable deaths. It is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis and mainly effects the lungs. It is transmitted when people…

Key data #2: the support of L’Initiative in the fight against tuberculosis
Ocopp Ven 1
Assessments 11 December 2023
Evaluation overview – Community observatory for pharmaceutical practices (OCOPP)

Due to their fragile health systems, Burkina Faso and Cameroon face issues around poor drug supply chain management, falsified and out-of-date medicines in circulation, poor governance and lack of pharmaceutical transparency. Supported by L’Initiative to the tune of €600,000, the project OCoPP…

Evaluation overview – Community observatory for pharmaceutical practices (OCOPP)
Movihcam Capture En
Assessments 28 November 2023
Evaluation overview – Movihcam Health On the Road

According to UNAIDS, there will be 480,000 adults living with HIV in Cameroon in 2022. At a time when HIV prevalence was estimated at 2.6%, the MOVIHCAM H.O.T ROAD project helped to improve access to care for vulnerable transport populations in Cameroon. Led by…

Evaluation overview – Movihcam Health On the Road
Fiche Resume Sos Pe En Page 0001
Assessments 7 August 2023
Evaluation overview – Promoting access to quality HIV testing for key populations through community interventions (SOS Pairs éducateurs)

In Mauritania, over 23% of men who have sex with men and 9% of female sex workers are living with #HIV – compared with 0.2% in the general population. Faced with these hard-hit key populations, the association SOS Pairs Educateurs and the Association pour les gestionnaires du développement have joined forces to…

Evaluation overview – Promoting access to quality HIV testing for key populations through community interventions (SOS Pairs éducateurs)
En Community Responses For Key Population Access To Care
Assessments 6 August 2023
Evaluation overview – Community responses for key population access to care (REVS PLUS)

Strengthening the capacities of key populations for advocacy with decision-making bodies in the AIDS response is the ambition of the RIPOSTE project supported by REVS PLUS from 2019 to 2022. This project has helped to overcome challenges relating to the visibility and legitimacy…

Evaluation overview – Community responses for key population access to care (REVS PLUS)