One of L’Initiative’s strategic pillars is to produce and share knowledge. By publicizing our resources, we hope to help improve the management and impact of Global Fund interventions in the field.

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, L'Initiative
23 May 2024

Evaluation overview – Consolidating and expanding adapted, integrated and accessible health care provision for drug users (MdM)

In Côte d’Ivoire, the population of people who use drugs, living in ‘smoking rooms’ under extremely precarious conditions and exposed to numerous diseases, shows a high prevalence of HIV and tuberculosis compared to the general population. Médecins du Monde (MdM) responded to this situation by implementing the project “Consolidation and Extension of Adapted, Integr [...]
, L'Initiative
7 May 2024

RISE study: community engagement in Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms

Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs), at the heart of the DNA of the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria model, enable parties to participate in decision-making at country level, following the principle of country ownership and inclusion. The performance of CCMs varies considerably among the more than 100 countries supported by the Global Fund since 2002. [...]
, L'Initiative
26 April 2024

Climate change and malaria: how to prepare for the radical reconfiguration of the epidemic?

Policy brief
Temperature and rainfall variations caused by climate change are redefining the boundaries of endemic malaria zones. Local factors, the immunity of infected individuals, population movements, and parasite resistance to drugs are crucial for understanding the potential impact of climate change on malaria epidemiology. In response to climate change, L’Initiative contributes [...]
, L'Initiative
23 February 2024

To protect implementers and improve HIV program outcomes

The human rights risks and obstacles faced by key populations are well known, and addressing them is seen as an essential component of any comprehensive HIV program for key populations. The safety of those responsible for implementing programs for key populations is also a major challenge. Implementing organizations – which are often themselves led by individuals from key [...]
, L'Initiative
20 February 2024

Key data #2: the support of L’Initiative in the fight against tuberculosis

Thematic report
In 2021, tuberculosis (TB) was the second deadliest infectious disease after COVID-19 and one of the leading causes of preventable deaths. It is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis and mainly effects the lungs. It is transmitted when people with tuberculosis spray tubercle bacilli into the air, for example when a person with TB coughs. Tuberculosis is a [...]