La production et le partage des connaissances sont un des piliers stratégiques de L’Initiative. En diffusant ces ressources, nous espérons contribuer à améliorer le pilotage et à renforcer l’impact des interventions du Fonds mondial sur le terrain.
Fiche Resume Renapc En Vf Page 00012
Assessments 6 August 2023
Evaluation overview – Strengthening HIV prevention among key populations (RENAPC)

In the Republic of Congo, at the end of 2021, only 25% of people living with HIV knew their HIV status, and of these, and only 23% were receiving antiretroviral therapy. In 2018, prevalence was particularly high among female sex workers (8.1%) and men…

Evaluation overview – Strengthening HIV prevention among key populations (RENAPC)
Fiche Resume Ipm En Page 0001
Assessments 6 August 2023
Evaluation overview – Improving comprehensive management of tuberculosis and HIV in prison settings (Institut Pasteur in Madagascar)

Prisoners are 8 times more likely to develop tuberculosis than the general population. Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death among people living with HIV/AIDS, so L’Initiative is making co-infections a priority. Hampered by numerous challenges, including overcrowding and poor nutrition, access to healthcare…

Evaluation overview – Improving comprehensive management of tuberculosis and HIV in prison settings (Institut Pasteur in Madagascar)
Activity Report 2022
Activity reports 28 June 2023
Activity report 2022

The year 2022, marked by the Global Fund’s replenishment conference, marks a decisive step in the trajectory of The Initiative. With an evolution of its strategy, and a significant increase in its action and its support, in particular for the…

Activity report 2022
Strategy 27 June 2023
L’Initiative’s strategy 2020-2025

From 2023, L’Initiative amplifies its support thanks to several strategic and operational developments. This revised strategy proposes an ambitious program, in line with past or current achievements. It aims to put L’Initiative in battle order to intensify its action and…

L’Initiative’s strategy 2020-2025
2023 04 25 18 06 32 Window
Assessments 25 April 2023
Evaluation overview – Improving HIV, sexual and reproductive health and human rights services for young key populations in West and central Africa (ANCS)

The project was led by ANCS (i.e. they signed the agreement with Expertise France), and implemented in parallel in four countries (Senegal, Burkina Faso, Mali, Burundi) by ANCS and their partners. The project’s intervention approach was to strengthen the skills and attitudes of public…

Evaluation overview – Improving HIV, sexual and reproductive health and human rights services for young key populations in West and central Africa (ANCS)
2023 03 28 15 44 51 Fiche Ocassii En.pdf Adobe Acrobat Pro 64 Bit
Assessments 28 March 2023
Evaluation overview – Strengthening community-based strategic monitoring for malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV and AIDS intervention in West Africa (RAME)

It was against this backdrop that in April 2018 RAME launched the second phase of the project entitled “Strengthening community-based strategic monitoring of malaria, tuberculosis and HIV and AIDS interventions in West Africa using new information and communication technologies” (OCASS II).The OCASS II model…

Evaluation overview – Strengthening community-based strategic monitoring for malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV and AIDS intervention in West Africa (RAME)
En Key Data – Linitiative Support To Ngos 2017 2022
Focus 3 March 2023
Key data #1: L’Initiative’support to NGOs

The “Key L’Initiative data” series has a dual purpose of providing a precise and concise overview of an intervention topic and offering the opportunity to review the specifics of the program’s actions. Civil society organizations (CSOs), particularly NGOs and the…

Key data #1: L’Initiative’support to NGOs
En Evaluation Overview – Improved Access Through The Inclusion Of All In The Hiv And Aids Response In Mali
Assessments 27 February 2023
Evaluation overview – Improved access through the inclusion of all in the HIV and AIDS response in Mali (FEMAPH)

The project was developed based on achievements and lessons learned from implementing a previous project supported by L’Initiative, which was led by Handicap International (HI), under which FEMAPH was a partner. FEMAPH then became the lead for the follow-on project between June 2019 and May 2022,…

Evaluation overview – Improved access through the inclusion of all in the HIV and AIDS response in Mali (FEMAPH)
En Navigating The Pathway To Becoming A Global Fund Principal Recipient For Civil Society 1
Capitalization 1 February 2023
The experience of a CSO to become a principal recipient of the Global Fund – the example of Arcad Santé PLUS in Mali

This document presents ARCAD Santé PLUS’s experience of transitioning from Global Fund sub-recipient to principal recipient and the capacity strengthening work that the organization benefited from, thanks to L’Initiative. The information notes presented here are therefore intended for civilsociety organizations that would like to become…

The experience of a CSO to become a principal recipient of the Global Fund – the example of Arcad Santé PLUS in Mali
En Human Resources For Health Skills Strengthening
Assessments 16 January 2023
Cross-cutting Evaluation – Human resources for health skills strengthening (Programme PAC-CI, SD, 100% LIFE, and Croix-Rouge Française)

This overview document presents results from the crosscutting evaluation of four projects funded by L’Initiative under the theme “human resources for health skills strengthening” in five countries in Africa and Eastern Europe. Sustainably developing, strengthening and maintaining the knowledge, skills and practices of staff working…

Cross-cutting Evaluation – Human resources for health skills strengthening (Programme PAC-CI, SD, 100% LIFE, and Croix-Rouge Française)