La production et le partage des connaissances sont un des piliers stratégiques de L’Initiative. En diffusant ces ressources, nous espérons contribuer à améliorer le pilotage et à renforcer l’impact des interventions du Fonds mondial sur le terrain.
En Chimioprevention Du Paludisme Saisonnier 10 Ans De Strategie. Ou En Est On Aujourdhui
5 January 2023
Seasonal Malaria chemoprevention: where are we ten years on?

Ten years ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) first recommended the use of antimalarial drugs to prevent severe malaria in children under five in areas with high infection loads and high seasonal transmission of malaria. To mark this ten-year point, L’Initiative has produced a guidance…

Seasonal Malaria chemoprevention: where are we ten years on?
En Key Linitiative Data From The Two Three Year Strategy Periods 2017 2022
Assessments 21 December 2022
Summary of the strategic and formative evaluation of L’Initiative over the 2017-2021 period

In the context of L’Initiative’s new 2020-2022 strategic framework, and four years after its first evaluation, Expertise France commissioned an independent external evaluation in 2021 covering the period 2017-2021. The evaluation was carried out by consultancy firm Technopolis Group, with the aim…

Summary of the strategic and formative evaluation of L’Initiative over the 2017-2021 period
En Evaluation Overview – The M Fund A Low Cost Non For Profit Health Insurance For Migrant Workers
Assessments 9 December 2022
Evaluation overview – The M-FUND: a low cost, not-for-profit health insurance for migrant workers (DLP)

M-FUND is a voluntary, not-for-profit health insurance scheme launched in 2007, which enables migrant workers who are not currently covered by government insurance schemes to access low-cost health coverage. M-FUND is managed by Dreamlopments, which is registered both as a social enterprise and as a foundation…

Evaluation overview – The M-FUND: a low cost, not-for-profit health insurance for migrant workers (DLP)
En Evaluation Overview – Georgia Syringe Vending Machine Trial Gsvmt
Assessments 9 December 2022
Evaluation overview – Georgia syringe vending machine trial (ALTGEO)

The project is led by AltGeo in partnership with the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) and the GHRN. It sets out to conduct an operational trial to implement automatic syringe dispensers in Georgia. The dispensers are used by injecting drug users who…

Evaluation overview – Georgia syringe vending machine trial (ALTGEO)
En Global Fund Strategy 2023 2028
Strategy 26 July 2022
Global Fund Strategy 2023-2028

The Global Fund Strategy is a multiyear road map for our partnership’s future. It guides how our partnership can accelerate progress towards our vision of a world free of the burden of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria with better, equitable health…

Global Fund Strategy 2023-2028
2022 11 10 16 44 51 Vph Ccu Toolbox En V4.pdf Profil 1 – Microsoft Edge
Toolkit 5 July 2022
Several opportunities to engage in the fight against cervical cancer

There are several avenues that countries can take to initiate or accelerate the fight against cervical cancer, and integrating it into the HIV and AIDS sphere. Whether this relates to updating national strategic plans (HIV or cancer), writing funding requests to the Global Fund,…

Several opportunities to engage in the fight against cervical cancer
2023 01 13 10 59 16 Window
Assessments 29 June 2022
Cross-cutting Evaluation – Treatment and insecticide resistance (MORU, IRD UMR MIVEGEC, Croix-Rouge Française, and CRCF)

This overview document presents results from the cross-cutting evaluation of four operational research (OR) projects funded by L’Initiative on the theme “resistance”, which were implemented in thirteen countries in Africa and South-East Asia. Health systems in countries across the world affected…

Cross-cutting Evaluation – Treatment and insecticide resistance (MORU, IRD UMR MIVEGEC, Croix-Rouge Française, and CRCF)
En Activity Report 2021
Activity reports 14 June 2022
Activity report 2021

In 2021 L’Initiative upheld its commitments to support partner countries in their efforts against the HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria pandemics while helping them obtain funding dedicated to their Covid-19 response from the Global Fund. It also reasserted its support for…

Activity report 2021
En Positioning On Improving Access To Health Services For Vulnerable And Or Marginalized Populations
Guidance note 2 April 2022
Positioning on improving access to health services for vulnerable and/or marginalized populations

There has been clear progress in recent years around promoting and facilitating access to quality health services with a view to reducing the impact of the HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria pandemics. However, many barriers remain for vulnerable and / or marginalized populations in…

Positioning on improving access to health services for vulnerable and/or marginalized populations
En Marginalized Populations
Assessments 29 March 2022
Cross-cutting Evaluation – Marginalized populations (ASI, Médecins du Monde, KHANA, C+, HI, AFEW, and the Institut Bouisson Bertrand)

This overview document presents the results of the cross-cutting evaluation of seven projects funded by L’Initiative on the theme “marginalized populations”, which was implemented in sixteen countries in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. Given the importance of taking into account…

Cross-cutting Evaluation – Marginalized populations (ASI, Médecins du Monde, KHANA, C+, HI, AFEW, and the Institut Bouisson Bertrand)