La production et le partage des connaissances sont un des piliers stratégiques de L’Initiative. En diffusant ces ressources, nous espérons contribuer à améliorer le pilotage et à renforcer l’impact des interventions du Fonds mondial sur le terrain.
2022 09 05 10 43 17 1 1
Toolkit 4 March 2022
For a transition to pediatric Dolutegravir (pDTG)

Although significant progress has been made in the global HIV and AIDS epidemic in the past 20 years, the context for children and adolescents in terms of access to testing, care and treatment remains alarming: in 2020, only 54 per…

For a transition to pediatric Dolutegravir (pDTG)
11 November 2021
Le vaccin contre le paludisme : une avancée porteuse d’espoir, pas une solution miracle

Suite à l’annonce de l’OMS recommandant le premier vaccin antipaludique destiné aux enfants exposés au risque de contracter la maladie, ce Policy brief de L’Initiative propose des éléments d’analyse et des clés de compréhension sur ce premier vaccin antipaludique (le…

Le vaccin contre le paludisme : une avancée porteuse d’espoir, pas une solution miracle
En The Malaria Vaccine Promising Progress But Not A Silver Bullet
11 November 2021
Policy brief – The malaria vaccine: promising progress, but not a silver bullet

Following the WHO announcement recommending a vaccine for children at risk of contracting malaria, this L’Initiative policy brief provides analysis and insight into understanding this first ever malaria vaccine (known as RTS,S).

Policy brief – The malaria vaccine: promising progress, but not a silver bullet
En Alignement Des Programmes Verticaux Avec Les Systemes De Sante
Assessments 7 October 2021
Cross-cutting Evaluation – Aligning vertical programs with health systems (Programme PAC-CI, PNLT Bénin, Expertise France, and ESP)

This overview document presents the results of the cross-cutting evaluation of four projects funded by L’Initiative on the theme of vertical program alignment, implemented in six African countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Democratic Republic of Congo and Senegal.…

Cross-cutting Evaluation – Aligning vertical programs with health systems (Programme PAC-CI, PNLT Bénin, Expertise France, and ESP)
Activity reports 21 June 2021
Activity report 2020

2020 was an exceptional year despite the Covid-19 pandemic. L’Initiative demonstrated its ability to adapt to support its partners in the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.

Activity report 2020
Evaluation Key Populations 0
Assessments 17 November 2020
Key populations

This section gives an overview of results from the cross-cutting evaluation of eight projects funded by L’Initiative focusing on key populations, implemented in twelve countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Eastern Europe. With the importance of key and vulnerable…

Key populations
En Linitiative 2020 2022 Strategy 1
Strategy 1 September 2020
L’Initiative’s strategy 2020-2022

Following the 6th Replenishment Conference of the Global Fund, the share of L’Initiative’s budget increased from 7% to 9% of France’s contribution to the Global Fund. To accompany this increase, the 5% Initiative (the initial share of the budget) became “L’Initiative”.…

L’Initiative’s strategy 2020-2022
Activity reports 9 July 2020
Activity report 2019

2019 was a milestone year in global health. Under France’s leadership, the 6th Global Fund Replenishment Conference raised 14 billion dollars in pledges, an unprecedented sum for a multilateral health organization.

Activity report 2019
En Adolescentes Et Jeunes Filles
Capitalization 29 June 2020
Cross-cutting Evaluation – Adolescents and young girls (Sidaction)

The cross-cutting evaluation “Adolescents and young girls” carried out from 2018 to 2020 focused on six projects. In order to address the specific vulnerabilities of young people in sexual and reproductive health (SRH), the evaluation produced the following recommendations: Consider…

Cross-cutting Evaluation – Adolescents and young girls (Sidaction)
Vignette Procurement And Supply Management Of Health Products 0
Assessments 5 March 2020
Cross-cutting Evaluation – Procurement and supply management of health products

This summary presents the results of the cross-cutting evaluation of six projects, five of which were selected as part of the Initiative’s 2013 call for proposals that focused on procurement and supply management of health products (PSM).This call for proposals…

Cross-cutting Evaluation – Procurement and supply management of health products