La production et le partage des connaissances sont un des piliers stratégiques de L’Initiative. En diffusant ces ressources, nous espérons contribuer à améliorer le pilotage et à renforcer l’impact des interventions du Fonds mondial sur le terrain.
Vignette Community Health Observatories Practical Guides 0
Capitalization 28 November 2019
Understanding the challenges to initiate a community-based health system observation approach

Since the early 2000s, around 20 community observatories focusing on access to health have emerged in different parts of Africa. In areas where dysfunctional health systems, in particular supply chain management issues, continue to persist (medical drugs and inputs stockout,…

Understanding the challenges to initiate a community-based health system observation approach
Addressing The Sexual And Reproductive Health Challenges Of
Capitalization 28 November 2019
Adressing sexual and reproductive health challenges: practical guides

In which situation is peer-education useful? How to engage teachers about sexual and reproductive health? How to use emerging technologies to better target young people? How to ensure that parents feel concerned about their children’s SRH and relay effective prevention…

Adressing sexual and reproductive health challenges: practical guides
Evaluation Strengthening The Skills Of Health Personnel 0
Assessments 14 November 2019
Cross-cutting Evaluation – Strengthening the skills of health personnel, Handicap international France, Institut Bioforce Développement Rhône-Alpes, Solthis, SIS Association and Expertise France

This document presents a summary of the results from the final evaluations of five projects funded by the Initiative to strengthen the skills of health personnel. These projects were selected during the first Initiative call for proposals launched in November…

Cross-cutting Evaluation – Strengthening the skills of health personnel, Handicap international France, Institut Bioforce Développement Rhône-Alpes, Solthis, SIS Association and Expertise France
En Civil Society Strengthening Linked To Global Fund Grants
Assessments 14 November 2019
Cross-cutting Evaluation – Civil society strengthening vis-à-vis the Global Fund

This document presents a synthesis of the results from a cross-cutting evaluation of five projects funded by L'Initiative's to build civil society capacity around the Global Fund. The Initiative launched a call for projects in 2013 on governance and civil…

Cross-cutting Evaluation – Civil society strengthening vis-à-vis the Global Fund
Vignette Evaluation Operational Research 0
Assessments 14 November 2019
Cross-cutting Evaluation – Operational research

This document presents a summary of results from the cross-cutting evaluation of seven operational research (OR) projects in the area of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria funded by the 5% Initiative. Six of the projects evaluated were selected as part of…

Cross-cutting Evaluation – Operational research
Evaluation Community Health Observatories 0
Assessments 14 November 2019
Cross-cutting Evaluation – Community health observatories

By working closely with Country Coordinating Mechanisms, opening its board up to civil society organizations and encouraging dual track financing, the Global Fund has made multi-faceted governance one of its founding principles. Given the importance of this issue and of…

Cross-cutting Evaluation – Community health observatories
En Community Health Observatories
Capitalization 17 October 2019
Understanding healthcare system dysfunctions through community health observatories

Since the early 2000s, around 20 community observatories focusing on access to health have emerged in different parts of Africa. In areas where dysfunctional health systems, in particular supply chain management issues, continue to persist (medical drugs and inputs stockout,…

Understanding healthcare system dysfunctions through community health observatories
En Activity Report 2018
Activity reports 1 September 2019
Activity report 2018

Find out the Activity Report 2018 to know our main actions.

Activity report 2018
En Care And Treatments For People Who Use Drugs
Focus 4 March 2019
Care and treatments for people who use drugs

While drug users are among the most stigmatized and marginalized populations, the situation is even more challenging for young drug users and women, who are consequently underrepresented in harm reduction services as well as HIV prevention, screening, and treatment. Moreover,…

Care and treatments for people who use drugs
Vignette Community Health At The Heart Of Linitiatives Actions 0
Assessments 1 January 2019
Community health at the heart of L’Initiative’s actions

Health systems cannot be improved without also strengthening community systems. Indeed, community systems have a specific responsibility and capacities that are tailor-made for identifying, understanding and meeting the needs of marginalised and vulnerable people with little access to health care…

Community health at the heart of L’Initiative’s actions