One of L’Initiative’s strategic pillars is to produce and share knowledge. By publicizing our resources, we hope to help improve the management and impact of Global Fund interventions in the field.

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Themes :

, L'Initiative
16 January 2023

Cross-cutting Evaluation – Human resources for health skills strengthening (Programme PAC-CI, SD, 100% LIFE, and Croix-Rouge Française)

This overview document presents results from the crosscutting evaluation of four projects funded by L’Initiative under the theme “human resources for health skills strengthening” in five countries in Africa and Eastern Europe. Sustainably developing, strengthening and maintaining the knowledge, skills and practices of staff working in the health sector is crucial t [...]
, L'Initiative
5 January 2023

Seasonal Malaria chemoprevention: where are we ten years on?

Policy brief
Ten years ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) first recommended the use of antimalarial drugs to prevent severe malaria in children under five in areas with high infection loads and high seasonal transmission of malaria. To mark this ten-year point, L’Initiative has produced a guidance note to outline the fundamental contribution of seasonal malaria chemopreventio [...]
, L'Initiative
21 December 2022

Summary of the strategic and formative evaluation of L’Initiative over the 2017-2021 period

In the context of L’Initiative's new 2020-2022 strategic framework, and four years after its first evaluation, Expertise France commissioned an independent external evaluation in 2021 covering the period 2017-2021. The evaluation was carried out by consultancy firm Technopolis Group, with the aim of improving documentation of results and identifying relevant potential areas [...]
, L'Initiative
9 December 2022

Evaluation overview – The M-FUND: a low cost, not-for-profit health insurance for migrant workers (DLP)

M-FUND is a voluntary, not-for-profit health insurance scheme launched in 2007, which enables migrant workers who are not currently covered by government insurance schemes to access low-cost health coverage. M-FUND is managed by Dreamlopments, which is registered both as a social enterprise and as a foundation with the Thai authorities. The project has approximately 40 e [...]
, L'Initiative
9 December 2022

Evaluation overview – Georgia syringe vending machine trial (ALTGEO)

The project is led by AltGeo in partnership with the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) and the GHRN. It sets out to conduct an operational trial to implement automatic syringe dispensers in Georgia. The dispensers are used by injecting drug users who have an access card.