Cross-cutting Evaluation – Treatment and insecticide resistance (MORU, IRD UMR MIVEGEC, Croix-Rouge Française, and CRCF)

Assessments 29 June 2022

This overview document presents results from the cross-cutting evaluation of four operational research (OR) projects funded by L’Initiative on the theme “resistance”, which were implemented in thirteen countries in Africa and South-East Asia.

Health systems in countries across the world affected by HIV, tuberculosis and malaria are weakened by the emergence of resistance, whether it is resistance to treatment or, in the case of malaria vector control, resistance to insecticides. This major public health problem is jeopardizing the scale-up of access to prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment of the three pandemics and has serious consequences: reduced efficiency of prevention approaches to combat malaria vectors, treatment failure for patients with one or more of these diseases, increased health expenditure related to the use of more expensive second-line treatments, the spread of resistant strains and the need to develop new treatment solutions.
In response to the challenges and issues caused by resistance, L’Initiative launched a call for projects in 2015 with the aim of selecting projects focused on:

  • Strengthening surveillance of treatment or insecticide resistance.
  • Researching factors contributing to the development of these resistances.
  • Preventing the emergence of these resistances.
  • Strengthening resistance diagnosis and management capacity.