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Auxilium Legalis: Strengthening the provision of legal assistance to populationsvulnerable to HIV and tuberculosis

The Auxilium Legalis project aims to enhance the provision of services, stimulate demand, and build national leadership capacity for more effective coordination on human rights issues related to HIV and tuberculosis in Ivory Coast.


In Ivory Coast, HIV prevalence rates among key populations are three to nine times higher than the national average. This disparity is primarily due to the socio-cultural context: the discrimination and stigmatization these groups face hinder their access to care. Additionally, obstacles related to the availability and accessibility of legal services limit key populations’ access to justice when their rights are violated. Factors such as lack of knowledge, financial resources, and fear of reprisals compromise the application of the law.


The Auxilium Legalis project aims to improve access to justice for people vulnerable to HIV and tuberculosis in three ways:

  • Strengthening the supply of legal services: Training academics on the relevant issues, incorporating specific modules to the curricula of law faculties in Abidjan and Bouaké, setting up service points in university units, Enda Santé CI community centers and legal aid departments in the courts.
  • Stimulating demand: Increasing the target groups’ knowledge of their rights and the possible use of community associations, while strengthening their participation in reporting and monitoring violence.
  • Strengthening national leadership: Organizing workshops to build the capacity of the Human Rights Department to enable it to fully assume its role in coordinating human rights interventions related to HIV and tuberculosis.


The provision of legal services for key populations is being enhanced through the creation of new service points and the reinforcement of national leadership.