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Halartar Al’Umma: Fighting tuberculosis through community action

The project aims to implement community-driven initiatives to enhance tuberculosis screening and treatment services, making them accessible to all, particularly vulnerable populations in Niger.


Tuberculosis is a significant public health challenge in Niger. While the disease incidence is high, case notification remains low, especially in the project’s target regions: Dosso, Maradi, Tillabéri, and Zinder. Many cases go undetected and untreated, while barriers limit equitable access to healthcare, particularly for women and vulnerable groups, often linked to gender and human rights issues. This project leverages community action to dismantle these barriers and strengthen local capacities to detect and treat tuberculosis effectively.


The Halartar Al’Umma project seeks to improve tuberculosis screening and treatment in four targeted regions of Niger (Dosso, Maradi, Tillabéri et Zinder), focusing on the general population and vulnerable groups, including prisoners, people living with HIV/AIDS, and gold miners. The project aims to address barriers to healthcare access related to gender and human rights through training activities for community members and partners. It also includes awareness campaigns to fight stigmatization and increase understanding of gender issues in the fight against tuberculosis. Communication and advocacy efforts integrate gender and human rights considerations to influence community practices and local policies.


The expected impact is twofold: reducing tuberculosis-related morbidity and mortality in the target regions and improving equitable access to healthcare services.