To enhance the sexual and reproductive health rights of both cisgender and transgender sex workers in Ivory Coast, the Pouvoir project adopts an approach that empowers these communities to shape their health, social, and legal landscapes.
In Côte d’Ivoire, the HIV epidemic particularly impacts key populations, such as sex workers, who have a prevalence rate of 12.6%. This figure climbs to 22.6% among transgender individuals. While sex work is tolerated, laws against pimping and soliciting create a hostile and stigmatizing environment. This environment hampers sex workers’ access to prevention and care services, which are already insufficient. The consequences are numerous: increased risks of HIV and STI transmission, unplanned pregnancies, unsafe abortions, menstrual insecurity, and gender-based violence. To address these challenges, Solthis advocates for a holistic approach.
The Pouvoir project is being implemented in four health districts within the communes of Yopougon and Abobo, and aims to:
- Strengthen the organizational (governance, administrative, and financial) and technical capacities of partners in sexual and reproductive health.
- Deploy a targeted community strategy to reduce the risk of gender-based violence in the care and professional practices of sex workers, and to enhance access to sexual and reproductive health through self-care.
- Improve the quality of sexual and reproductive health services in the target areas by supporting six primary health centers and two Drop-In Centers.
- Create a more supportive social and political environment for the sexual and reproductive health and rights of sex workers through awareness-raising and advocacy efforts at both the local and national levels.
The ability of cisgender and transgender sex workers to take control of their own health is strengthened, along with the expertise of the project’s community partner organizations. Sexual and reproductive health services in the target areas are enhanced to better meet the specific needs of these communities.