Contribute to universal access to malaria services, leading to a reduction in malaria morbidity and mortality in five districts of the Amhara Region in Ethiopia and accelerate reduction of malaria burden towards elimination.
In the Amhara Region, malaria remains a major health issue with seasonal mobile workers contributing up to 80% of all annual malaria cases reported in lowland districts. Seasonal mobile workers are at a high risk of contracting and developing severe malaria, due to multiple factors including low natural immunity and working hours. There are substantial inequities in the provision and access to malaria services with seasonal mobile workers placed at a major disadvantage. Their access to malaria prevention measures and case management services is low due to insufficient training among health extension workers, unsuitable preventive measures, distance from health posts. Additionally the knowledge, demand and uptake of existing malaria services is suboptimal due to gender norms, care seeking behaviours, drug quality and treatment adherence. Current policies and strategic guidance do not address seasonal mobile workers specific needs leading to an increased a rise in malaria prevalence in the region.
Sennay project works to increase the availability and improve the quality of malaria case management services adapted to the needs of seasonal health workers in five districts in the Amhara region. It stimulates demand for and uptake of malaria services through gender-sensitive and tailored social behavior change communications. Community dialogue and interactive feedback mechanisms facilitate the involvement of mobile seasonal workers in the design of malaria prevention and control interventions. Sennay’s strategy allows for evidence-based advocacy and engagement of policy makers and key stakeholders in the development of a manual for improved malaria prevention and control services for seasonal mobile workers.
Sennay addresses the inequities seasonal mobile workers face in accessing quality malaria case management and prevention services by increasing the participation of seasonal mobile workers in decision making that are affecting their health, while strengthening multi-stakeholder collaboration.