L’Initiative’s 2023 calls for projects: 17 projects selected for more than 35 million euros
Fighting pandemics, a common goal
The Initiative plays a crucial role in French global health policy. An integral part of the French contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, it provides technical expertise to eligible countries to support them in developing and implementing grants. In addition, it offers opportunities for financial support for catalytic projects, via calls for projects . The operational implementation of the Initiative is entrusted to Expertise France, under the supervision of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE).
The Initiative implements three complementary modalities: the Expertise Channel to provide technical assistance, the Project Channel to strengthen field interventions or operational research and finally the Accelerator to respond to neglected challenges, in particular human resources in health.
Thanks to the Projects Channel, new structuring projects that can last up to 60 months will soon start in 17 countries. The proposals supported respond to priority issues and are complementary to the Global Fund’s programs. The aim here is to strengthen the effectiveness of Global Fund grants, for example by supporting innovative approaches in the fight against pandemics.
Take action by supporting catalytic projects
The Initiative promotes an integrated and cross-cutting approach to the three pandemics, articulated at different levels of the health pyramid, from national strategies to actions at regional and local levels in communities, including for the most vulnerable populations. This vision has been broken down into three complementary but distinct calls for proposals:
Call AP-Init-2023-01 [RSS] on “Strengthening health systems at all levels (from community to national)”
This call aims to make health systems more welcoming, affordable and accessible, while providing better quality, people-centred services. Our approach integrates a gender and human rights perspective to promote equality, respect for minorities and the protection of vulnerable populations.
Call AP-Init-2023-02 [PV] on “Strengthening the role of key and vulnerable populations with regard to HIV, tuberculosis and/or malaria for the improvement of their health and well-being”
The integrated and cross-cutting approach to the three pandemics developed in AP-Init-2023-01 [RSS] and AP-Init-2023-03 [RO] is complemented in this call by a strengthening of the role of key and vulnerable populations who too often remain excluded from health systems. This design reflects a desire to promote projects designed for and with populations in vulnerable situations, key populations but also young girls and women who today represent the majority of new HIV infections and are particularly vulnerable to malaria and tuberculosis. Thus, when populations are at the center of interventions, they participate significantly in improving their health and well-being on the one hand and a favorable environment with regard to human rights and access to care on the other.
Call AP-Init-2023-03 [RO] on “Preventing malaria”
Despite significant progress, the fight against malaria faces increasing challenges, including insecticide and antimalarial drug resistance, low coverage of interventions and inadequate funding. The primary objective of this appeal is to address gaps in malaria prevention and treatment.