Visit to Mozambique

It was also a good opportunity for L’Initiative and the French Embassy to attend the TB-Speed final project workshop held in Maputo on June 9 and 10, 2022.

As a reminder, TB-speed is aimed at reducing TB mortality in children by improving diagnosis. It was deployed between 2017 and 2022 in seven countries with a high incidence of TB and limited resources: Cambodia, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Uganda, and Zambia.

The international symposium for the restitution of the results was organized by the TB-Speed consortium under the leadership of the University of Bordeaux in collaboration with the National Institute of Health in Mozambique. It brought together the consortium members, partners, the scientific committee of the project, as well as key actors in the fight against tuberculosis with representatives of the national programs from the seven countries where the project has been implemented, representatives of the World Health Organization, and the project funders (Unitaid, L’Initiative, and ANRS).

– Strengthening Universal Access to Quality Health Care for HIV/AIDS Patients in Maputo and Sofala Provinces in Mozambique led by the NGO Douleurs sans frontières in partnership with Association Mozambicaine du Développement Concerté (AMDEC);

– Impact of systematic early tuberculosis detection using Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra in children with severe pneumonia in high tuberculosis burden countries—TB-SPEED Project (TB in severe pneumonia—impact of Early Detection) led by Université de Bordeaux, Inserm U1219 in partnership with Instituto Nacional de Saude (INS);

– Technical assistance to CCM’s Mozambique, aiming to strengthen the CCM capacity to clearly and transparently communicate (internally and externally) and disseminate relevant information on the content of the grants or its performance.