Projects Developed By and For Key and Vulnerable Populations
Le This call (24-2025-INIT-PV-APR-02) is designed to strengthen the role of key and vulnerable populations who often face exclusion from health systems. It supports projects seeking initial funding from L’Initiative (new projects) and designed for, and in collaboration with, key and vulnerable populations, especially young girls and women, who currently represent the majority of new HIV infections and are particularly vulnerable to malaria and tuberculosis. Promoting their health and well-being through targeted prevention and empowerment efforts is critical in combating major pandemics.
L’Initiative will carefully consider and prioritize measures aimed at:
- building capacity among national and community-level stakeholders;
- empowering and supporting target populations;
- designing advocacy plans;
- ensuring key and vulnerable populations participate in decision-making;
- advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights;
- implementing cross-cutting strategies to address gender inequalities.
For full details on this call and eligibility requirements, please see the guidelines:
New in 2025: Two Funding Streams for Calls for Proposals
Each year, L’Initiative launches calls for proposals to support catalytic projects that drive innovation in health practices and policies and help scale up promising solutions. This year, five calls have been announced, organized into two tracks:
- “New Projects,” which includes three calls for proposals;
- “Next Phase Projects,” which includes two calls for proposals.
Deux sessions d’information en ligne sont organisées (chacune interprétées simultanément en français et en anglais) pour orienter les porteurs dans la soumission de leurs propositions en ligne :
- Le 2 décembre 2024 à 10 : 00 (UTC+1)
- Le 7 janvier 2025 à 10 : 00 (UTC+1)
Lors de ces sessions d’1h30, L’Initiative présentera la plateforme de candidature aux appels à projets ainsi que les critères et modalités de soumission. Le nombre de places étant limité, merci de vous enregistrer dès que possible.
L’Initiative Supporting Catalytic Projects
Since 2011, L’Initiative has been providing technical assistance and catalytic funding to around forty countries supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, enhancing grant impact and maximizing health outcomes. This work is essential in ensuring the strength of pandemic response and health systems.