The rise in antimicrobial resistance poses a serious threat to efforts to combat HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria. This call (24-2025-INIT-RO-APR-03) invites proposals seeking initial funding from L’Initiative (new projects) to support innovative operational research for improving the prevention, diagnosis, and effective management of resistance.

L’Initiative will place priority on measures that emphasize and advance:

  • enhanced resistance surveillance;
  • resistance modeling and the creation of scenario projections;
  • close collaboration among all involved parties (partners, researchers, managers, program staff, health services, civil society, and local communities);
  • breaking down silos in research projects.

For detailed information on this call for proposals and eligibility criteria, please refer to the guidelines:

  • December 2, 2024, at 10:00 (UTC+1)
  • January 7, 2025, at 10:00 (UTC+1)

Since 2011, L’Initiative has provided technical assistance and catalytic funding to around forty countries receiving support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, to enhance the effectiveness of its grants and maximize the health impact of funded programs. In this way, it contributes to strengthening pandemic response efforts and health systems.