Evaluation overview – Community responses for key population access to care (REVS PLUS)

Assessments 6 August 2023

Strengthening the capacities of key populations for advocacy with decision-making bodies in the AIDS response is the ambition of the RIPOSTE project supported by REVS PLUS from 2019 to 2022.

This project has helped to overcome challenges relating to the visibility and legitimacy of key populations by providing a framework for consultation with key populations representatives in the countries where it has been implemented. The project’s relevance lies in the fact that it enabled key populations to structure their voices for advocacy purposes, meaning they are able to have political influence through their interventions.

RIPOSTE reached 1,815 people directly through 106 civil society organizations. 455 activities were carried out, including 37 skills-building webinars with the key populations representatives, 621 cases of gender-based violence recorded, 90% of victims were provided with support, 3 annual KP fora in each country, 3 national key populations community reports per country.