One of L’Initiative’s strategic pillars is to produce and share knowledge. By publicizing our resources, we hope to help improve the management and impact of Global Fund interventions in the field.

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, L'Initiative
29 June 2022

Cross-cutting Evaluation – Treatment and insecticide resistance (MORU, IRD UMR MIVEGEC, Croix-Rouge Française, and CRCF)

This overview document presents results from the cross-cutting evaluation of four operational research (OR) projects funded by L’Initiative on the theme “resistance”, which were implemented in thirteen countries in Africa and South-East Asia. Health systems in countries across the world affected by HIV, tuberculosis and malaria are weakened by the emergence of resista [...]
, L'Initiative
14 June 2022

Activity report 2021

Activity report
In 2021 L’Initiative upheld its commitments to support partner countries in their efforts against the HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria pandemics while helping them obtain funding dedicated to their Covid-19 response from the Global Fund. It also reasserted its support for catalytic projects, and, long-term projects that complement the Global Fund’s actions in the field. [...]
, L'Initiative
2 April 2022

Positioning on improving access to health services for vulnerable and/or marginalized populations

Policy brief
There has been clear progress in recent years around promoting and facilitating access to quality health services with a view to reducing the impact of the HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria pandemics. However, many barriers remain for vulnerable and / or marginalized populations in L’Initiative-eligible countries1. For over ten years, L’Initiative has supported  [...]
, L'Initiative
29 March 2022

Cross-cutting Evaluation – Marginalized populations (ASI, Médecins du Monde, KHANA, C+, HI, AFEW, and the Institut Bouisson Bertrand)

This overview document presents the results of the cross-cutting evaluation of seven projects funded by L’Initiative on the theme “marginalized populations”, which was implemented in sixteen countries in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. Given the importance of taking into account the specific needs of marginalized populations, their human rights, gender and community a [...]
, L'Initiative
4 March 2022

For a transition to pediatric Dolutegravir (pDTG)

Although significant progress has been made in the global HIV and AIDS epidemic in the past 20 years, the context for children and adolescents in terms of access to testing, care and treatment remains alarming: in 2020, only 54 per cent of 0-14-year-olds had access to treatment, compared to 74 per cent of those over 15. The West and Central Africa region carries a particular